Nails of New York: Jill Kargman

For Mother's Day, our newest Nails of New York features Jill Kargman, a New York-based writer, actress, and television producer (known for her hilarious storytelling via Odd Mom Out and her blog series on Maisonette), alongside her daughters Sadie and Ivy. We visited the trio on the Upper East Side to chat about how they use nails as self-expression, why a manicure makes Jill feel armored and badass, as well as what inspires her creative process. 

Nails of New York: Jill Kargman

How did you become Odd Mom Out?

I always felt like from the moment i shat out Sadie that I wasn't "mom-like" in that I wasn't wearing pleat-front SNL jeans or blaring "Baby Beluga" or The Wiggles - she listened to Guns N' Roses and Soundgarden. I never read parenting books and just followed my instincts even if they were weird, like bringing her on my hip everywhere instead of having mosquito netting and Mozart and tiptoeing around. We were totally clueless and we somehow didn't kill our kids and we're happy. 

What's been the proudest moment of your career?

Gosh, that's tricky, but I'd have to go with The Tonight Show. I had so much fun and Jimmy is the coolest, so I felt super proud because we just love him so much.

Nails of New York: Jill Kargman

Do you have any mother-daughter rituals or traditions? 

We love our cuddles and John Hughes Film Festivals. The generation gap is closing so we watch all his films, and then newer teen movies like Ten Things I Hate About You or Mean Girls

What does a day-in-the-life look like for you?

Weekends we are sloths and sleep 'til 11am. For moms of young kids - this is what you can look forward to! Our teenagers wake at noon. It's heaven. Weekdays I'm up at 6:30am and deal with myself, then wake up small fries and make breakfast, which means I shove a bowl out with cereal or yogurt - I'm not flipping pancakes or anything. Then, after school run I'll work out or meet a friend and then work until pickup. I'm home five nights a week with the Karglings, out two nights either with friends or at an event or alone with Harry. Bedtime ranges, but we are horizontal by 10pm, usually watching TV or reading. 

Nails of New York: Jill Kargman

What inspires you?

My family, funny people, New York, foreign cities, gothic architecture, calligraphy, rock music, Edward Gorey drawings, Daniel Silva novels, Peaky Blinders, Tim Burton movies, walking the streets. 

When do you get your best ideas?

In the shower or tossing and turning at night. 

Nails of New York: Jill Kargman

How did you pick your design?

First gut instinct. 

How does your manicure make you feel?

Badass and armored. 

Nails of New York: Jill Kargman

Three things you're into right now?

Game of Thrones final season, cherry blossoms, and Creative Growth in San Francisco, which supports special needs artists who have more raw talent than the six-figure frauds at the art fairs. 

Nails of New York: Jill Kargman

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